KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL is a herbal based hospital that uses herbal products manufactured locally in treating and curing all manner of diseases. We are professionals in handling all health issues including emergency cases related bones,tissues & internals
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL is the home of speedy recovery and sound health with 99.5% cure rate and 0.5% death rate.
Dr Isaac Larbi Aboagye
(CEO,Herbal Medical Director)
Hage Larbi Aboagye
(Herbal application and manufacturing specialist)
Pearl Adubea Larbi
( Surgeon/Programme nurse)
(Kankanka herbal hospital)
JPF4+F3H, Fan-Milk
Suhum, Eastern Region, Ghana(Annex)
Engr Victor Amitaba .C.
Donvic Builders Ltd
(Technical director/Project Engineer)
Nana Hemaa(Mrs.) Grace Larbi
(Herbal materials supply and quality management specialist)
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Project Summary
Kankanka Herbal Hospital (KHH) was founded by the highly esteemed Nana Aboagye Isaac
Larbi, who has won much appreciation and applause for his achievements in the fields of healing
with herbs and traditional medicine, as well as joining flesh to bones without surgery and
through the use of herbs and prayers.
Nana Aboagye, popularly known as "Kankanka,” is a popular traditional healer and herbalist.
Though he is based in Accra, he is recognized throughout Ghana for his classical herbal
treatments and healings of all kinds of illnesses and diseases. If Ghana is an ethnic museum, then
his hospital is the best example for his patients belonging to different religions, regions,
languages, castes, and creeds.
After losing his father at age 14 and his mother a year prior, Nana Aboagye discovered his
healing abilities just about at that same time. He discovered how to mix certain herbs to cure and
treat different ailments, as well as deep-cut wounds and accident victims on the brink of death.
As a young man, Nana Aboagye indulged in various business ventures, as with all young men, to
make life out of what he was into. None of his businesses yielded fruit but rather gave him more
problems. He was succeeding as a healer and herbalist but failing as a businessman. The most
difficult hurdle that came his way that challenged his special abilities was when he found himself
going dumb. Fortunately, he got the remedy to heal himself and others who came to him with the
same problem. He has since been able to cure deafness and dumbness.
While dealing with several challenges in his personal and professional life, Nana Aboagye got
the opportunity to treat and heal Ghana’s football legend and icon, Abedi Ayew Pele, of a leg
fracture for which he had sought solutions in so many places without success. This paved the
way for Kankanka Herbal Hospital to start operations in 2002 with five patients. In no time,
people from far and near heard about him and started visiting his hospital for their health
Not only does he cure, treat, and heal with herbs and traditional medicine, Nana Aboagye also
adds prayers to his line of work. Having been a traditional healer for a little over four decades,
Nana Aboagye has healed, treated, and cured 100,000+ people from far and wide who learned
about him quickly and began visiting his facility for health remedies, including infertility, stroke,
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diabetes, being deaf and dumb, the joining of a leg to its thigh naturally without surgery or the
insertion of metal into the leg, and many other ailments.
In Nana Aboagye’s own words, his goal "is to build a world-class herbal hospital in Ghana with
branches spread across Africa and Asia, as well as other parts of the world, to make a positive
difference in the field of herbal and traditional medication healing".
Nana Aboagye Isaac Larbi, who serves as the Chief (Krontihene) of Suhum-Omenaka and
Tufuhene of Larteh Traditional Area, with his stool name being Baffour Aboagye Larbi
Kankanka II, is married with four children: a son and three daughters. He is a Form Four
graduate from Omenaka L/A Middle School, Suhum, in the eastern region of Ghana.
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL has positively affected lives of thousands of people in the
globe in the areas of charity and saving lives, Many hospitals in Ghana especially in the herbal
world have limited work time and service delivery especially when their is unavailability of
funds to cover medicals which has led to the massive death of the less priviledged, but
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL has changed this orientation thereby giving hope to to the
hopeless and help to the helpless.
Despite all these selfless services, we have never run out of funds needed in running the day to
day activities of the hospital. We have maintained an average of 20 staff on yearly basis despite
the lack of facilities which has lead to the inability to reach out to everyone especially in the area
of rendering a comfortable health management environment and facilities. With all these efforts
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL has been up tp date with her certifications, licenses and
Taxes required in order to meet up with the governmental requirements and facility management
and implementations
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In spite of the efforts of KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL, there are still many unmet needs
in our establishment. With additional funding Kankanka Herbal Hospital will be able to expand
and improve its services to the communities and the world at large, including:
Providing a standard Healthcare to the world
Building of a standard and well equipped theatre
The ability to take care of every health issue that is brought to the hospital
Availability of all required facilities
Expanding the blocks of the hospital thereby creating more wards
Provision of an ultra-modern laboratory
Provision of more ambulances
Building of more branches(ANNEX)
Completion of the ongoing Annex branch
Provision of herbal/chemical (finished products) department
Provision of a hygienic warehouse for storing of the herbal raw material
Providing mobility and Secured Shelter for staff
Improving the Psychosocial Well-Being of the patients and building a hygienic kitchen
Improving the Nutritional Status and Food Security of the hospital
Advanced advertisement of our hospital in order to reach to people from afar
We will implement each of these goals one by one depending on our funding. Currently we are
focusing on achieving these first set of goals thereby establishing a standard health care
environment through partnership with anyone, company ,organization, institution, firm or
existing health care establishment globally that may show interest in partnering with us.
moreover building a new health(herbal) clinic and laboratory and purchasing medical equipment
and supplies are the first tool behind success which covers majority of the needs of the
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Problem Statement and Proposed Response
Millions of people in the REPUBLIC OF GHANA live in the rural areas where health facilities
are inadequate, inaccessible, and unaffordable. KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL has already
gotten an approval from the Ministry of Health to offer medical services to our clients through
material and technical advice. Our current dispensary is not large enough to meet the rising
demand for medical services in Ghana. We currently have a one-room theatre with store room
for preserving the surgical materials with few wards and few hospital beds, whereas we serve
over 120 people a day, over 10,000 patients a year but due to unavailability of facilities
especially wards, we are unable to admit most of patients. We are also faced with an insufficient
drug supply in the dispensary unit. In addition to funds to facilitate all-around management,
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL seeks funds to facilitate medical tests and to purchase
drugs. The dispensary also lacks a standard laboratory to facilitate medical investigation for
effective holistic clinical management.
In order to meet the rising demand for health services in Ghana, we propose to build a new
health clinic and laboratory and to purchase medical equipment and supplies.
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About Kankanka Herbal Hospital
1.1 History of the Organization
Kankanka Herbal Hospital (KHH) was founded by the highly esteemed Nana Aboagye Isaac
Larbi, who has won much appreciation and applause for his achievements in the fields of healing
with herbs and traditional medicine, as well as joining flesh to bones without surgery and
through the use of herbs and prayers.
Nana Aboagye, popularly known as "Kankanka,” is a popular traditional healer and herbalist.
Though he is based in Accra, he is recognized throughout Ghana for his classical herbal
treatments and healings of all kinds of illnesses and diseases. If Ghana is an ethnic museum, then
his hospital is the best example for his patients belonging to different religions, regions,
languages, castes, and creeds.
After losing his father at age 14 and his mother a year prior, Nana Aboagye discovered his
healing abilities just about at that same time. He discovered how to mix certain herbs to cure and
treat different ailments, as well as deep-cut wounds and accident victims on the brink of death.
As a young man, Nana Aboagye indulged in various business ventures, as with all young men, to
make life out of what he was into. None of his businesses yielded fruit but rather gave him more
problems. He was succeeding as a healer and herbalist but failing as a businessman. The most
difficult hurdle that came his way that challenged his special abilities was when he found himself
going dumb. Fortunately, he got the remedy to heal himself and others who came to him with the
same problem. He has since been able to cure deafness and dumbness.
While dealing with several challenges in his personal and professional life, Nana Aboagye got
the opportunity to treat and heal Ghana’s football legend and icon, Abedi Ayew Pele, of a leg
fracture for which he had sought solutions in so many places without success. This paved the
way for Kankanka Herbal Hospital to start operations in 2002 with five patients. In no time,
people from far and near heard about him and started visiting his hospital for their health
Not only does he cure, treat, and heal with herbs and traditional medicine, Nana Aboagye also
adds prayers to his line of work. Having been a traditional healer for a little over four decades,
Nana Aboagye has healed, treated, and cured 100,000+ people from far and wide who learned
about him quickly and began visiting his facility for health remedies, including infertility, stroke,
diabetes, being deaf and dumb, the joining of a leg to its thigh naturally without surgery or the
insertion of metal into the leg, and many other ailments.
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In Nana Aboagye’s own words, his goal "is to build a world-class herbal hospital in Ghana with
branches spread across Africa and Asia, as well as other parts of the world, to make a positive
difference in the field of herbal and traditional medication healing".
Nana Aboagye Isaac Larbi, who serves as the Chief (Krontihene) of Suhum-Omenaka and
Tufuhene of Larteh Traditional Area, with his stool name being Baffour Aboagye Larbi
Kankanka II, is married with four children: a son and three daughters. He is a Form Four
graduate from Omenaka L/A Middle School, Suhum, in the eastern region of Ghana. The
organization also provides health care clinic services, counseling, and awareness programs as an
integrated approach to the needs of the community.
1.2 Programs
1.2a Education
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL established an early childhood development (ECD) class
which has grown to standard 6 level. We have since handed the school over to the government
so that our children could receive free primary education. KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL
supported 10 children in secondary school with school fees from the charity pocket of the
hospital, provided 52 pupils in ECD class with uniforms, and provided 300 primary school
students with uniforms and bags.
1.2b Health Care
KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL mans a dispensary that serves the larger community. The
facility attends to an average of 20 patients daily, treating malaria, respiratory infection,
gastroenteritis, skin conditions, malnutrition, and other illnesses that are common opportunistic
infections suffered by the masses.
1.2c Health Education
We have a health education program for our patients and community to encourage the
importance of good health habits. With a vision of restoring human dignity despite the negative
effects brought by the environment to ensure the confidentiality of clients are maintained at all
levels. Priority is accorded to this virtue as it creates trust, self-esteem, and confidence among
the people, families, community, and employees, hence enabling people to "live positively" in
the fullest sense of the term.
1.2d Home-Based Care
Home-based care is an approach to prevention and care with combined clinical services and
nursing care, counseling, psychological, and spiritual support. This represents a continuation of
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care from health facilities to community, family, and individuals even to the ones with
HIV/AIDS. The home-based care project of kankanka herbal hospital is a powerful tool in
fighting stigma and discrimination in the community. Through home-based care, KANKANKA
HERBAL HOSPITAL promotes the message that HIV/AIDS infection does not mean death is at
hand. KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL’s trained home-caregiver are committed to
strengthening the capacity of families to support family members living with HIV/AIDS. We
aim to improve the health and prolong the lives of the people through treatment of opportunistic
infections, provision of antiretrovirals, and nutritional support with our herbal products.
1.3 Goals and Principles
The goal of KANKANKA HOSPITAL is to reduce the rate of death caused by sources, infection
rates and to promote positive living for the people, take care of delicate, dangerous and deadly
disease though herbal application, take care of emergency cases with ease and restore hope of
living and survival of victims and the people at large, take care of orphans and abandoned
women and children. KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL acts on a humanitarian basis
regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliation. Aware and appreciative of the people
diverse and cosmopolitan make-up, KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL has always welcomed
all peoples from different cultures and walks of life. Since its inception, the organization has
worked to improve the community’s sensitization, education, and enlightenment on the issue of
health challenges through community meetings and demonstrations. It is our goal to spread
awareness that no person or community is dead or disabled due to poor health management and
practices, and that the entire community must take responsibility to fight diseases and to serve
those who are infected or affected by it.
1.4 Organizational Capacity
At least 20-25 people work full-time in the organization. Their positions include the following:
Program coordinator, nurse, nurse’s aid, security, home-based care coordinator, caretakers,
nutrition and ECD teachers, community home-based carers, and mother-carers. We also employ
part-time nutritionists in addition to a few various government workers in social services
and health. A total of 20-25 people receive a monthly salary from the organization, including the
nurse, nurse’s aid, three counselors, and two ECD teachers.
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KANKANKA HERBAL HOSPITAL is fully responsible for the well-being of the patients
starting from OPD services, Reception, Registration, Full Admission Services, Care giving,
Laundry, Sanitation, Room Services, Feeding, psychological assistance, Treatment and
discharge, if the need arises we undertake logistics services, Ambulance services, Spiritual